Inclusion Academy, Culturally Responsive Care: Sexual and Gender Health Disparities
June 12, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

This session is organized by the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and is part of the Culturally Responsive Care Series. The session will focus on: Sexual and gender health disparities.
During this discussion you will learn:
- Identify the major sexual and gender differences and their effect in healthcare.
- Recognize the importance of affirming healthcare clinics
- Highlight action steps to better serve sexual and gender diverse patients
**This session will be recorded, and participation constitutes consent to be recorded.
Culturally Responsive Care (Patient CRC Series) 11 expert-led “working” sessions, will focus on culturally and sensitive services (general knowledge).
The following credits have been approved for this webinar session:
- AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ – 1 Credit(s)
- PSNA – 1 Credit(s)
Please note: This is a virtual session.
If you have any questions or require accommodation for a disability to participate, please email inclusionacademy@pennstatehealth.psu.edu
We look forward to having you attend this event!
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