The Greenwall Foundation’s 75th anniversary celebration
February 22, 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Theatre of War stages public performances of classic works of literature that are linked to social themes, often related to health. In this performance, Refutation, historical sources about the 1793 Yellow Fever epidemic in Philadelphia are the foundation to explore continuing health inequities in our present day.
The Greenwall Foundation’s 75th anniversary celebration continues into early 2025 with our capstone anniversary event: two Greenwall Foundation-commissioned performances of A REFUTATION, with Theater of War Productions, that will be hosted in Washington, DC, and webcast live. Registration is required to attend in person or on Zoom. We hope you can join us!
Ebenezer United Methodist Church (February 21): Register here
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (February 22): Register here
A REFUTATION presents dramatic readings by acclaimed actors of excerpts from conflicting historic accounts of Philadelphia’s 1793 yellow fever epidemic, as a catalyst for guided audience discussions about health inequities
in America today, grounded in the perspectives of nurses, caregivers, and first responders.
Featuring pamphlets, letters, and rebuttals by Absalom Jones, Richard Allen, Matthew Carey, and Benjamin Rush, performed by Chad Coleman (The Walking Dead, The Wire), Brian F. O’Byrne (Conclave, Million Dollar Baby), Michael Potts (The Wire, The Piano Lesson), and Peter Marks (former chief theater critic for The Washington Post).
Presented by Theater of War Productions with generous support from The Greenwall Foundation in celebration of
its 75th anniversary.
In partnership with the DC Public Library and Ebenezer United Methodist Church – Capitol Hill.
Directed, adapted, and facilitated by Bryan Doerries.
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