FM Global honors Penn State Health Hampden Medical Center with Highly Protected Risk Award
Penn State Health’s property insurance carrier, FM Global, selected Penn State Health Hampden Medical Center as a recipient of its Highly Protected Risk Award. This designation means the facility meets the highest industry standards for risk reduction and commitment to property loss prevention.
On April 28, Nicole Storti, assistant vice president and senior account manager at FM Global, and Jeffrey Gaskill, the company’s senior account engineer, presented the award to David Barto, vice president of Penn State Health Facilities, and Jesse Myers, regional director facility operations of Penn State Health Facilities, for their work from construction through operations to meet the highest industry standards for property protection.
Only 20% of FM Global clients receive the Highly Protected Risk Award for addressing every reasonable exposure to minimize risk for building problems, such as superior construction of a resilient building and special fire protections.
“Our professional philosophy is that it’s better to prevent a loss than to recover from one,” Storti said. “This is the epitome of Penn State University and Penn State Health’s approach as well ― to make sure their business is resilient from a loss by being proactive.”
Gaskill expressed appreciation to Barto, Myers and system leaders for their dedication to protecting their buildings, employees and patients and the communities they serve.
“I appreciate the partnership we share with FM Global for all design projects across Penn State Health,” Barto said. “Their team is our second set of eyes.”
Barto stressed that the award reflects a collective effort. “I want to thank Jesse Myers and Charles Ulinfun, director of safety, Penn State Health, for their great synergy and commitment to safety and risk reduction.”
Don McKenna, regional president of Hampden Medical Center and Holy Spirit Medical Center, Kelly Stonesifer, program manager at Penn State Development, and other Penn State Health leaders were on hand at Hampden Medical Center to celebrate the recognition.
McKenna reminded attendees that because this critical work happens behind the scenes, it is not always fully appreciated. “These teams use scientific research and leading-edge engineering knowledge. This award reflects optimum property protection, and we are proud of everyone who played a role.”
FM Global has had a relationship with Penn State University for 45 years. The mutual insurance company is solely dedicated to property risk management and the resilience of its policyholder-owners. They represent many of the world’s largest organizations, including one of every four Fortune 500 companies.
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