Lancaster Medical Center presents Shinsky with Mountain Laurel Award

Lancaster Medical Center has named Amanda Shinsky, chief technologist in Radiology, as its Mountain Laurel Award recipient for the first quarter of 2024. Shinksy was nominated for her leadership on projects that are enhancing the technology and care the hospital provides to its patients.
In his nomination of Shinsky, Bryan Schmalhofer, regional director of diagnostic imaging, wrote about her role in introducing procedural services to completement the health system’s patient evaluation and management services in Lancaster County.
“Amanda has been in constant contact with us to ensure we have the supplies, staff support and logistical planning needed to take excellent care of our patients when we begin to provide pain-relieving procedures,” Schmalhofer wrote, adding that she has “gone above and beyond in seeking out the appropriate workflow and processes to ensure our compliance with all regulatory requirements.”
He also highlighted Shinsky’s efforts to coordinate two additional services at Lancaster Medical Center: pediatric and adolescent True2Scale and iReal 3D scanning and adult interventional pain services.
The Mountain Laurel Award recognizes health care professionals in non-nursing roles who have demonstrated their dedication to providing an extraordinary experience to patients and their families. It is named after Pennsylvania’s state flower, which is also a symbol of perseverance.
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