We will release a one-word condition for any public record patient provided the request includes the patient's full name and that the individual has agreed to the release of such information. A patient's condition may be described as any of the following:
Undetermined – Patient is awaiting physician and/or assessment.
Good – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are excellent.
Fair – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious, but may be uncomfortable. Indicators are favorable.
Serious – Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill. Indicators are questionable.
Critical – Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indicators are unfavorable.
Additional information regarding a patient's condition may only be released with that individual's written consent or that of a parent or guardian. We will withhold a patient's condition if requested to do so by the individual, his or her care team, or police.
During business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays), requests for patient conditions can be obtained by calling 717-531-8606. At all other times, please call 717-531-8521 and ask for the House Manager.