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New cancer biology program offered to Penn State graduate students

Penn State is launching a new program dedicated to cancer biology.

The program, which will focus on the molecular, cellular and translational aspects of cancer, is being offered as an emphasis area within the molecular cellular and integrative biosciences (MCIBS) doctoral program.

As part of the program, the University has partnered with oncologists at Mount Nittany Cancer Care Partnership to offer a course called “Oncology: Bench to Bedside,” where graduate students will interact with physicians in both patient-oriented and teaching settings to see how cancer is diagnosed, imaged and treated, and how side effects of therapy are managed.

Students in the program will also interact with faculty and students conducting cancer research at the College of Medicine through videocast journal clubs and seminars, as well as joint scientific programs run by Penn State Cancer Institute.

Learn more about the program in this Penn State News story.

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