Dr. Cheston Berlin commended by Emeritus Faculty Organization for 50 years of faculty service

Cheston Berlin, MD, a longtime faculty member in the Department of Pediatrics at Penn State College of Medicine, was recently honored by the college’s Emeritus Faculty Organization for 50 years of service as a faculty member.
A letter commending Dr. Berlin described his service as “an achievement few of your peers have or will ever realize.”
The letter was presented to Dr. Berlin on behalf of the organization by Gordon L. Kauffman Jr., MD, Emeritus Faculty Organization president.
It noted that Dr. Berlin’s contributions to the field of pediatric medicine include the establishment of the first pediatric ICU in the United States at The District of Columbia Children’s Hospital in 1969, chairing the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs from 1993 to 1997, and the publication of almost 160 articles in peer–reviewed journals and book chapters, the most recent of which were published in 2019, on the pharmacology of breast feeding, PKU and Tourette’s syndrome.
Dr. Berlin was awarded University professorship in 1986. He was jointly appointed to the Department of Pharmacology in 1975 in light of his scientific contributions related to pharmacology and breast milk. He also established the Division of General Pediatrics in 1984 and served as its chief until 2000, helping to broaden the scope of clinical pediatric practice institutionally.
He was also responsible for the establishment of clinics for patients with PKU and Tourette’s syndrome, and his work on the transfer of chemicals and drugs into human milk was instrumental in the development of the American Academy of Pediatrics statement on the topic and paved the way for future studies in that area of pediatric pharmacology.
In addition to Dr. Berlin’s clinical and research accomplishments, he has served as a longtime supporter of resident and student education. “Residents and student hold you in great esteem for your willingness to place their well-being and success at a high priority,” the letter notes, adding that Dr. Berlin has received some of the institution’s most prestigious teaching awards. He also received the Honorary Alumnus Award from Penn State Alumni Association in 2008.
“Your colleagues, over all disciplines, hold you in high regard as a clinician, respected peer, friend and confidant. Your presence within the Department of Pediatrics is a strong statement of your ongoing commitment to the institution. With this Letter of Commendation, the Emeritus Faculty Organization recognizes these many contributions and, with collegial affection, thanks you,” the letter concluded.
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