Graduate students celebrate Diwali

The international student subcommittee of Penn State College of Medicine’s Graduate Student Association held a Diwali celebration on campus Oct. 12, 2019.
According to National Geographic, Diwali is India’s biggest and most important holiday of the year and is also celebrated elsewhere across south Asia.
The festival gets its name from the row, or avali, of clay lamps, or deepa that Hindus light outside their homes to symbolize the inner light that protects from spiritual darkness.
Celebrations generally include bright lights or fireworks, food and brightly colored patterned artworks called rangoli.
Jains, Sikhs and some Buddhists celebrate Diwali as well.
The five-day-long festival is celebrated every autumn; in 2019, Diwali begins Oct. 25 and continues through Oct. 29.

Graduate students, friends and family took part in the Diwali celebration Oct. 12 organized by the international student subcommittee of the college’s Graduate Student Association.

Graduate students, friends and family dance as part of a Diwali celebration held Oct. 12, 2019, at Penn State College of Medicine.
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