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Hohl appointed chair of Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium Directors Committee

Raymond J. Hohl MD, PhD, was recently named chair of the Cancer Center Directors Committee for the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium (Big Ten CRC). In this role, Dr. Hohl will help guide strategic priorities for the Big Ten CRC as the consortium enters its second decade. Dr. Hohl has been a member of the leadership committee since the consortium’s founding in 2013 and succeeds Howard Bailey, MD, director of the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center, as the committee chair.

Dr. Hohl is director of the Penn State Cancer Institute, professor of medicine and pharmacology at the Penn State College of Medicine, Penn State University, and holds a university professorship in medicine. Dr. Hohl is a medical oncologist, hematologist, and clinical pharmacologist with broad experience as a clinical and translational researcher.

Dr. Hohl commented, “I am honored to have been elected to this role and am grateful to my predecessors for their exemplary work. As the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium continues in its second decade there is much to be done. I am particularly enthusiastic about the ongoing efforts to expand the consortium from its current 15 members to include the new Big Ten institutions. We will foster an environment for the development and running of innovative investigator-initiated studies that match new with seasoned clinical scientists across our member institutions.”

Dr. Hohl began his career at the University of Iowa College of Medicine in 1991. Over the years, he served in a variety of leadership roles at the University of Iowa, including director of the division of hematology, oncology and blood and marrow transplantation at the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine; director of the fellowship program, division of hematology, oncology and blood and marrow transplantation; associate director for clinical research and associate director for clinical translational research at the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center; and associate chair in the department of internal medicine.

Dr. Hohl was named director of Penn State Cancer Institute in 2013.

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