In Brief – Sept. 20, 2018

Cub Chat
The 2018 fall edition of Cub Chat, Penn State Health Children’s Hospital online magazine, is now posted. Features include the benefits of using cooling blankets in the NICU, the Lancaster Cleft Palate Clinic and common health scares and emergencies. View the issue here.
Unit managers are asked to conduct assessment
Department and clinical unit managers are asked to conduct an assessment of chairs in their work areas, including office chairs, patient/visitor chairs and waiting room chairs, due to risk of injury from damaged chairs. Chairs with visible damage or instability should be removed from service immediately. Managers are asked to place work orders with Facilities for repairs or have chairs replaced. Contact the next-level leader after assessment is completed to report the necessary actions.
Upcoming Events
Bench to Bedside seminar
The next Bench to Bedside and Beyond Seminar Series explores community-engaged research and resources:
- “Engaging the Community in Research”
- Monday, Sept. 24
- Noon–1 p.m.
- Penn State College of Medicine, H4505, or 116 Henderson at University Park
The seminar will also be streamed online via Zoom. Dr. Jennifer Kraschnewski, co-director of the institute’s Community-Engaged Research Core, Gina Brelsford, 2017-2018 Community-Engaged Research Fellow, and Dr. Deepa Sekhar, 2018-2019 Community-Engaged Research Fellow, will present on the topic.
Unplugged concert series
The Great Music Unplugged concert series kicks off a new season at Penn State College of Medicine with “The Gift of Poise:”
- Wednesday, Sept. 26
- Pre-concert Reception 5:30 p.m.
- Concert 5:30–7:30 p.m.
- Lecture Room D
Maestro Stuart Malina, pianist and artistic director of the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra, and Peter Sirotin, violinist and artistic director of Market Square Concerts, will perform. This concert will be the first official performance using a new Steinway grand piano gifted by Drs. Keith Cheng and Shou Ling Leong.
Penn State Physician Scientist training program
The Penn State Physician Scientist Training Program celebrates the one-year anniversary of its launch:
- Wednesday, Sept. 26
- 5–7 p.m.
- C6805
Attendees will review highlights of the past year and learn about upcoming events and initiatives. Refreshments will be served. RSVP by Friday, Sept. 21. Contact Ellen Miller with questions.
Hershey Miracle 5k race
Register online for The Hershey Company’s 15th Annual Hershey Miracle 5k Race benefiting Children’s Miracle Network:
- Saturday, Sept. 29
- 8 a.m. 5k race
- 9 a.m. 1-mile fun run/walk
- Parking Lot E near Henry Hershey Field at the Milton Hershey School
- 635 Brooke Drive, Hershey, Pa.
The 5k route winds through the Milton Hershey School campus with Hershey characters along the course. The fee is $25 to register for the 5k race and $10 for the fun run/walk. Race day registration will be available at a higher price.
Gift basket auction
Penn State Cancer Institute will have a gift basket auction to benefit adult cancer patients:
- 5th Annual Hope for Healing Gift Basket Auction
- Oct. 3-5
- Bidding closes at 2 p.m. on Oct. 5
- Penn State Cancer Institute, second floor
Contact Suzette Simpson at 717-531-0003, x.320089, for information about the auction.
Fall Dean’s lecture
Dr. Carl June, Richard W. Vague Professor in Immunotherapy in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, will present “Car T-cells: Building Smarter Cars” at the 2018 Fall Dean’s Lecture:
- Tuesday, Oct. 9
- Noon
- Junker Auditorium
June’s lecture will be livestreamed and available on Mediasite. The Dean’s Lecture is jointly sponsored by the College of Medicine Faculty Organization and the Office of the Dean and CEO.
Brief electrical interruptions
Hershey Medical Center electricians will perform maintenance resulting in brief electrical interruptions of one to five seconds from 10 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 21 through 6 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 24. This electrical work is required as part of the new Combined Heat and Power project.
The following buildings will be affected:
- East Housing
- West Housing
- Centerview Parking Garage
- South Parking Garage
- Long Lane
- University Fitness and Conference Center
- Academic Support Building
- Support Services Building
- University Technology Center
- University Physician Center 1 and 2
- Day Care Center
- Children’s Hospital
- Cancer Institute
- Main Hospital (all areas)
- Emergency Department
- Basic Science
- Clinical Science
- Research Wing
- Biomedical Research Building
- NMR Building
- Life Lion Hangar
Any sensitive equipment or computers that will be affected by a brief loss of power should be plugged into an Uninterruptable Power Supply if available or be powered down for protection. Ivory colored outlets (normal power) and red outlets (emergency power) may both experience a brief interruption. Contact Scott Clements 717-531-5749 or Jeff Dove 717-531-8012 with questions.
Stairwell closing
Stairwell 13 will be closed for painting and lighting upgrades through Friday, Sept. 28 from 7 p.m. to 4 a.m. Contact Matt Grimes at 717-531-0003, x.284068, with any questions.
Beam placement
Equipment trucks will bring in a small crane to assist with beam placement in the far east corner of the Children’s Hospital expansion site. The construction team will bring the crane onto the Hershey campus on Monday, Sept. 24 at 4 a.m. The crane will remain in place until Thursday, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m., when it will be disassembled. Traffic control personnel will be posted at the intersection of Centerview and Campus Drives and at the entrance and exit of the construction site during this time to ensure the safety of anyone using the crosswalks.
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