Faculty research spotlight: Philippe Haouzi, MD, PhD
About the Investigator
Philippe Haouzi, MD, PhDProfessor, Department of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Area of research focus
Research on countermeasures against chemical threats affecting the civilian population in the United States
Summary of work
Chemical threats are toxic agents that could be used in a terrorist attack or accidentally released from industrial production, storage or shipping. They include traditional chemical warfare agents, toxic industrial chemicals, pharmaceutical-based agents, and pesticides.
The scope of our research includes candidate identification and characterization, through optimization and demonstration of in vivo efficacy.
We are currently repurposing existing therapeutics against chemical threats of interest for different agencies of the U.S. government (cyanide and opioids).
New and noteworthy
Our research has been supported by federal funding for the last several years and continues to develop toward FDA approval of new medications against cyanide intoxication, for instance.
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