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New enterprise voicemail platform launches in October

Voicemail systems for Penn State Health and Penn State College of Medicine will be upgraded and consolidated beginning in October. The upgrades will include Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and Penn State Health Medical Group, Penn State Health St. Joseph Medical Center and St. Joseph Medical Group and State College clinics.

Employees will keep their current phone numbers and use the same voicemail commands they currently use once they log into the new system. The following changes will occur with the upgrade:

  • A new mailbox code will be used to access voicemails
  • Passwords will be longer and expire every 90 calendar days
  • Voicemails will be automatically deleted after 90 calendar days

Informational Technology will move customers to the new centralized system in phases. Employees will need to record a new voicemail greeting and create a new voicemail password for both personal and departmental voicemail boxes that they monitor. IT will communicate these changes to employees before the change, and employees will have sufficient time to set up their new voicemailboxes.

Additional information, timelines and detailed instructions will be shared over the coming weeks. Contact the IT Service Desk at 717-531-6281 or with any questions or concerns.

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