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New golf cart helps patients, visitors navigate Hershey Medical Center

Patients and visitors who navigate the long halls at Hershey Medical Center can now catch a ride on the new golf cart, thanks to Dan Barry, Facilities Maintenance, and the Patient and Guest Experience Department.

Hershey Medical Center President Deborah Berini was shadowing with Barry when he expressed concern that the large and growing campus can be difficult for patients and guests to navigate. Staff had previously considered an indoor electric golf cart, and Dan suggested it might be time to revisit the idea.

Berini asked the Patient and Guest Experience Department, led by Shanne Keeny, to research the options. The Patient and Family-Centered Care team assessed the Medical Center’s existing wayfinding efforts, spoke to staff at other hospitals that use carts and worked with the Safety Department to analyze all safety considerations.

Following a thorough investigation, the department purchased a Cushman Minute Miser 3-Passenger Conversion cart with a grant from the Hershey Medical Center Volunteer Advisory Board, Gift Shop and Penn State Store. They will pilot the use of the cart to improve patient transport.

“I am excited to see Dan’s idea come to fruition, contributing to an improved patient experience,” said Berini.

This week, the golf cart took to the halls of the Medical Center. Department of Patient Transport employees drive the carts from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The cart will operate between the Main and North entrances from Oct. 26 to Friday, Nov. 6. Beginning Monday, Nov. 9, to Friday, Nov. 20, the cart will run between the University Physician Center entrance and the Radiology elevator. Leaders will measure success based on the number of passengers who use the services.

Many times, patients and families feel overwhelmed and look for ways to regain some control. They may choose to walk to their destination instead of riding in a wheelchair, not realizing that the hospital is large, and the walk can be quite long. The cart can provide a more comfortable alternative.

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