University Park MD program flips traditional medical school model

Dr. Jeffrey Wong, associate dean for medical education for the University Park MD program of Penn State College of Medicine, and Morgan Decker, medical student design partner, recently discussed an innovative approach to medical education at Penn State as part of an “Ask the Experts” video interview.
Wong assumed the role of associate dean for medical education for the University Park Program of Penn State College of Medicine in June 2015. He has a more than 30-year career in academic medicine with past appointments at Duke University Medical Center, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, and the Medical University of South Carolina. He has published in the areas of curriculum design and evaluation, faculty development in clinical teaching skills, and in the education of medical students and internal medicine residents.
Decker has spent her educational career in central Pennsylvania. In 2016, she graduated from Juniata College with a bachelor of science in biology and certification in genomics. Since then, she has spent her time as a medical student design partner for Penn State College of Medicine. As a deferred medical student, she dedicated a year to piloting and co-creating the University Park Program. Her medical interests include returning to serve the patients of rural central Pennsylvania.
See the interview with Dr. Wong and Decker here.
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