Wear red and donate to support women’s heart health on Friday, Feb. 3
Penn State Health and Penn State College of Medicine celebrate American Heart Month in February with several ways to get involved and learn how to keep your heart healthy. National Wear Red Day is Friday, Feb. 3. Wear red that day to help raise awareness of the prevention and treatment of heart disease ─ the No. 1 killer of both women and men.
Take a selfie and post it to your social media accounts using the hashtags #WearRedDay, #GoRedForWomen and #HeartMonth. You also can tag Penn State Health’s social media pages:
- Facebook: @PennStateHealth
- Twitter: @PennStHershey
- Instagram: @PennStateHershey
- LinkedIn: @PennStateHealth
When taking a selfie, please be mindful of your surroundings and the possibility of Protected Health Information in the background.
Give from the Heart
Between Feb. 3 and Valentine’s Day, consider supporting Penn State Health Heart and Vascular’s Give from the Heart campaign. The money raised will help provide cardiovascular screenings and health assessments to at-risk community members. Highmark will match all donations given on Go Red Day, up to $10,000.
American Heart Month features
Penn State Health is in the media, especially during American Heart Month. Check out our articles in Women’s Day and Good Housekeeping magazine featuring Penn State Health providers discussing women and heart disease, knowing your numbers and heart failure. And tune in as Penn State Health heart and vascular experts talk about atrial fibrillation and heart disease on “Heart to Heart” Wednesday, Feb 22 at 7:30 p.m. on abc27.
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