Braund receives Alumni Fellow Award

The Penn State Alumni Association honored Penn State College of Medicine alumna Dr. Wendy E. Braund with the Alumni Fellow Award, the Alumni Association’s highest award, on Oct. 23. She was one of 16 alumni to receive the award.
Braund, who graduated from the College of Medicine in 2001, is the director of the Center for Public Health Practice, associate dean for practice and professor of health policy and management at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. Previously, she was a Wyoming state health officer and public health division administrator in the Wyoming Department of Health.
“Dr. Braund is considered a national leader in public health practice, preventive medicine and population health,” said Dr. Kevin Black, interim dean at the College of Medicine. “As such, she considers every American her patient, and her goal is for each of us to live longer, better lives.”
Braund currently serves on the College of Medicine Alumni Society Board, where she previously held the role of president, and is a former member of the Penn State Alumni Council and Executive Committee. She is a life member of the Penn State Alumni Association. She has established and led support for multiple scholarships within the College of Medicine and College of Agricultural Sciences.
Braund speaks and writes extensively and has testified before legislators regarding the best prevention science across a range of public health issues, including maternal and child health, substance abuse, HIV, geriatric medicine and veterans’ health. She has participated in more than 100 different capacities to a variety of universities, medical schools, hospitals and governmental and community-based organizations.
The Penn State Alumni Association administers the Alumni Fellow program in cooperation with the University’s academic colleges, campuses and the Office of the President. College or campus leaders nominate alumni who are leaders in their professional fields. The president of the University invites Alumni Fellow Award recipients to return to campus to share their expertise with students, faculty and administrators.

Fourteen of the 16 recipients of Penn State Alumni Association’s 2019 Alumni Fellow Award are seen during the award event Oct. 23, 2019.
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