Dec 3, 2015
Parkinson's disease isn't the kind of affliction that will kill most people. Instead, it creeps up slowly and progressively destroys the quality of life of those who develop it.
Oct 28, 2015
When facing a cancer diagnosis, it can be challenging to keep one's spirits up. For women, the side effects that treatment may have on their physical appearance can make it […]
Oct 21, 2015
The American Cancer Society’s new breast cancer screening guidelines could cause many women to wonder when they should have their first mammogram.
Oct 14, 2015
For most, pregnancy is a joyful time of anticipation of the arrival of a child. Unfortunately for some, the arrival is of painful loss.
Oct 8, 2015
Hershey bars, Snickers and Reese's may be trick-or-treat night staples, but for children who have food allergies, these type of treats can be dangerous.
Oct 1, 2015
A less-common form of bariatric surgery can help the heaviest patients reach an ideal weight, but it's not for everyone.
Sep 24, 2015
Every year at this time, we hear it’s time to get the flu shot. After last year’s vaccine missed the mark, how does the Center for Disease Control regain the […]
Sep 16, 2015
A generation ago, there was no such thing as pre-diabetes. Well, the condition existed – it just wasn't given a name or diagnosed the way it is now.
Sep 9, 2015
Many of us are guilty of neglecting our medicine cabinet – specifically, our prescriptions. Sometimes we feel the need to hang onto them, perhaps because they were costly or “just […]
Sep 3, 2015
Blood in the urine can be a scary sight, yet it's a symptom many people ignore until it is bad enough to land them in a hospital emergency department.