Inclusion Academy, Culturally Responsive Care: Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
WebinarThis session is organized by the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and is part of the Culturally Responsive Care Series. The session will focus on Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: Ways to address it individually and collectively. During this discussion you will: Identify the major racial and ethnic health disparities in PA and USA […]
Weekend Childbirth Preparation
Auditorium – Penn State Health Holy Spirit Medical Center 503 N. 21st St., Camp Hill, PA, United StatesThis all day class covers phases/stages of labor and delivery, comfort measures and breathing techniques to use during labor, pain medication options and what to expect postpartum. It is best if taken in the last 4 months of pregnancy. For registration information, call 717-981-8238 or e-mail
Live Music in Lobbies Today
Main Entrance Lobby - Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center 500 University Drive, Hershey, PA, United States10 -11:30 am • Main lobby Seasons (Harp and Violin)
LION Mobile Clinic at Schlow Library
211 S Allen St, State College, PA 16801 211 South Allen Street, State CollegeJoin our medical students lead a literacy program for adults! Meet with our students to ask medically related questions, and learn how to access healthcare.
Live Music in Lobbies Today
University Physician Center (UPC) Lobby 200 Campus Drive, Hershey, PA, United States1 – 2:30 pm • UPC lobby Shelba Purtle (Hand Pans)
Breastfeeding Basics Class
Auditorium – Penn State Health Holy Spirit Medical Center 503 N. 21st St., Camp Hill, PA, United StatesThis one-evening class covers basic techniques for positioning and latch, how to assess a good feeding, mechanics of producing milk, pumping and storage of breastmilk, and available resources. For registration information, call 717-981-8238 or e-mail
Live Music in Lobbies Today
Various Locations10 – 11:30 am • PSCI lobby Julie Nevel (Keyboard) 10 – 11:30 am • PSCI lobby Carrie Feidt (Painting) 1-2:30 pm • Main lobby Julie Nevel (Piano)
Penn State Health St. Joseph Medical Center Walk in Wednesday
Penn State Health St. Joseph Medical Center 2500 Bernville Road, Reading, PA, United StatesOn the spot interviews - Connect with Recruiters and Managers - Tour the Hospital
Mothers Circle
Penn State Health Hampden Medical Center 2200 Good Hope Rd, Enola, PA, United StatesAll are welcome! Share your journey and connect with other moms and future moms at our bi-monthly support group which meets the first and third Wednesdays. For breastfeeding families, our lactation team will be available to answer your questions and address your concerns. We will be sharing our stories and discussing anything and everything motherhood […]
Live Music in Lobbies Today
University Physician Center (UPC) Lobby 200 Campus Drive, Hershey, PA, United States10:30 am – 12 pm • UPC lobby Mark Wesling (Guitar)
Upstander Café: Microaggression and Unconscious Bias Education
WebinarThis session is organized by the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and will focus on Microaggression and Unconscious Bias Education.
Dermatology Grand Rounds
Room C3621 - Penn State College of Medicine 700 HMC Crescent Road, Hershey, PA, United StatesResident Lectures - Microsoft Teams and Room C3621
Upstander Cafe: Social Justice – Human Trafficking. What It Is and Why It Matters.
WebinarJoin the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to discuss and gain a better understanding of relevant social justice issues and practice your Upstander Skills to promote engagement and intervention. This session will focus on Human Trafficking. What It Is and Why It Matters. Learn what is human trafficking The impact of human trafficking on […]
Live Music in Lobbies Today
Main Entrance Lobby - Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center 500 University Drive, Hershey, PA, United States1-2:30 pm • Main lobby Julie Moffitt (Piano)
LION Mobile Clinic at the Military Share Food Distribution
3C Sports & Event Center 200 Ellis Place, State College, PA 16801 200 Ellis Place, State CollegeCome get your blood pressure checked for free!
Live Music in Lobbies Today
Main Entrance Lobby - Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center 500 University Drive, Hershey, PA, United States10:30 am – 12 pm • Main lobby Hannah Belser (Piano)
Live Music in Lobbies Today
Main Entrance Lobby - Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center 500 University Drive, Hershey, PA, United States9:30 - 11 am • Main lobby Ralph Diekemper (Piano)
LION Mobile Clinic at Snow Shoe Senior Center
402 E. Sycamore Rd., Snow Shoe, PA 16874 402 E. Sycamore Rd., Snow ShoeVisit our mobile unit and get your blood pressure taken for free!
Writing a Teaching Statement/Philosophy
ZoomIn this interactive workshop, recommendations and strategies for creating an effective teaching philosophy/ statement will be presented. Participants will reflect on their teaching and learning experiences, examine a sample teaching statement for strengths and weaknesses, and draft ideas for their own teaching statements. This workshop is presented by Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence. Email Jessica […]
Live Music in Lobbies Today
Tree House Café - Penn State Health Children's Hospital 600 University Drive, Hershey, PA, United States10 – 11:30 am • Children’s Hospital Molly Rahe-Randall (Violin)
LION Mobile Clinic at Trinity United Methodist Church
128 W Howard St, Bellefonte, PA 16823 128 West Howard Street, Bellefonte, PAMeet our medical students to ask medically related questions, and learn how to access healthcare. Have your blood pressure and sugar levels checked for free!
Love Yourself event
BMR breezewayThis is the Office for Professional Mental Health's annual event to celebrate self-love and self-care. Please join us and learn why it is important to "Love Yourself."
Connecting Through Literature Book Club
ZoomConnecting through Literature Book Club is a collaboration between the Department of Humanities and Harrell Health Sciences Library. Our goal for these book discussions is to strengthen our community ties and expand understanding through reading. This group meets 3 times a year, covering a variety of genres and topics. On Feb. 12, 2025 at noon […]
Live Music in Lobbies Today
Various Locations11:30 am – 12:30 pm • PSCI lobby Shelba Purtle (Hand Pans) 1 – 2:30 pm • PSCI lobby Julie Nevel (Keyboard) 1:30 – 3 pm • Main lobby Seasons (Harp and Dulcimer)
Donate life. Donate blood. – Feb. 2025
University Conference Center 30 Conference Drive, Hershey, PA, United StatesGiving blood is safe and simple. Make an appointment and learn how you can be a life line today.
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Meeting
WebconferenceMonthly Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) review meeting.
Live Music in Lobbies Today
Main Entrance Lobby - Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center 500 University Drive, Hershey, PA, United States11:30 am – 1 pm • Main lobby Elena Millar (Piano)
Douglass Day Transcribe-a-thon
Harrell Health Sciences Library - Penn State College of Medicine 700 HMC Crescent Road, Hershey, PA, United StatesCelebrate Frederick Douglass’ birthday by preserving Black history! Join us for a Transcribe-a-thon, a crowdsourced transcription project that brings history to life.
16th Annual Central PA Regional Brain Bee
Neuroscience trivia competition for Central PA students aged 13-19. Where: Penn State College of Medicine When: Feb. 15, 2025, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. First-place winner advances to National Brain Bee. Find registration information here.
Safe Sitter Essentials
Susquehanna Township Administration Office 1900 Linglestown Rd., Harrisburg, PA, United StatesA fun-filled instructor-led class designed to help kids, ages 12 to 15, develop skills to stay safe and manage unexpected situations with confidence.
LION Mobile Clinic at Centre Hall Library
109 West Beryl Street, Centre Hall, PA 16828 109 West Beryl Street, Centre HallMeet our medical students as they lead a Pre-K literacy program, and have your blood pressure checked in our mobile unit!
Live Music in Lobbies Today
Main Entrance Lobby - Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center 500 University Drive, Hershey, PA, United States1-2:30 pm • Main lobby Kate McCutchan (Piano)
PubMed with MeSH (virtual workshop)
WebinarThis workshop on Zoom will teach attendees how to build an advanced search in PubMed and incorporate MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terminology into their search strategies. Please register here.
Inclusion Academy: Experiential Learning-Cultural Differences in Serving Autistic Patients
WebinarThis session is organized by the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and is part of the Experiential Learning series. The session will focus on Cultural Differences in Serving Autistic Patients. During this discussion you will learn: Identify what autism means. Recognize ways to better serve patients with autism Learn the intersectionality of autism and […]
Blood Drive at Penn State Health St. Joseph Medical Center
Franciscan Room – Penn State Health St. Joseph Medical Center 2500 Bernville Road, Reading, PA, United StatesMake an appointment and learn how you can be a life line today.
Live Music in Lobbies Today
University Physician Center (UPC) Lobby 200 Campus Drive, Hershey, PA, United States11:30 am – 1 pm • UPC lobby Dani Fiore (Percussion)
PubMed with MeSH
WebinarThis workshop on Zoom will teach attendees how to build an advanced search in PubMed and incorporate MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terminology into their search strategies. Please register here.
Inclusion Academy: Experiential Learning-Cultural Differences in Serving Autistic Patients
WebinarThis session is organized by the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and is part of the Experiential Learning series. The session will focus on Cultural Differences in Serving Autistic Patients. During this discussion you will learn: Identify what autism means. Recognize ways to better serve patients with autism Learn the intersectionality of autism and […]
Safe@Home Virtual Class for Kids (Ages 10-12)
VirtualSafe@Home is a fun, interactive virtual class designed to help kids build the skills they need to stay safe and handle unexpected situations with confidence.
Live Music in Lobbies Today
University Physician Center (UPC) Lobby 200 Campus Drive, Hershey, PA, United States10 - 11:30 am • UPC lobby Jonathan Frazier (Piano)
How Can Educators Use Questions to Promote Learning?
ZoomHow Can Educators Use Questions to Promote Learning? Presenter: Jeanine Beatty-Chadha Objectives: By the end of the session, each participant will be able to: Generate questions that promote higher order thinking. Identify at least one way to use questioning more effectively when teaching. Register here
Humanities Grand Rounds
Room C2860 - Penn State College of Medicine 700 HMC Crescent Road, Hershey, PA, United StatesGraphic Public Health: A Tool for Health Communication, Education, and Advocacy What is Graphic Public Health? Whit Taylor, MPH will discuss the relationship between Graphic Public Health and Graphic Medicine as well as its application in public health communication, education, and advocacy. Taylor will provide some insights into this growing medium, sharing her own journey […]
RQA Lunchtime Lecture
WebinarResearch Quality Assurance will hold their next lunchtime lecture on Wednesday, February 19 at Noon. Dr. Zissis Chroneos will be presenting on "Physiology Meets Immunology". Attendees will learn how pulmonary surfactant supports effortless breathing and immunological health in the respiratory tract across the lifespan. This will be a free virtual webinar. You may register for […]
Mothers Circle
Penn State Health Hampden Medical Center 2200 Good Hope Rd, Enola, PA, United StatesAll are welcome! Share your journey and connect with other moms and future moms at our bi-monthly support group which meets the first and third Wednesdays. For breastfeeding families, our lactation team will be available to answer your questions and address your concerns. We will be sharing our stories and discussing anything and everything motherhood […]
Penn State Health Lancaster Medical Center Surgical Weight Loss Support Group – Bariatric Surgery Trivia
Penn State Health Medical Group – Noll Drive 2135 Noll Dr – Suite D, Lancaster, PA, United StatesTest your knowledge about bariatric surgery.
Leadership Series: Leslie Parent, vice dean for research and graduate studies
Junker Auditorium - Penn State College of Medicine 700 HMC Crescent Road, Hershey, PA, United StatesThe College of Medicine Leadership Series is presented by the Dean’s Office and College of Medicine leadership. Each month join key leaders for presentations focusing on topics crucial for organizational success. The series will enhance communication and transparency to the larger College of Medicine audience, creating a shared understanding of the many strengths and opportunities […]
‘Heart to Heart’: abc27 Special Program and Webchat
abc27 Special Program and WebchatPenn State Health cardiology experts discuss the latest advances in the care and prevention of heart disease.
Live Music in Lobbies Today
Various Locations10 - 11:30 am • Main lobby Anthony Haubert (Piano) 11:30 am – 1 pm • PSCI lobby Seasons (Harp and Dulcimer) 1 – 2 pm • PSCI lobby Shelba Purtle (Hand Pans) 1 – 2:30 pm • PSCI lobby Jonathan Frazier (Painting)
Inclusion Academy, Culturally Responsive Care: Community Health and the Role it Plays in Building Access
WebinarThis session is organized by the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and is part of the Culturally Responsive Care Series. The session will focus on Community Health and the Role it Plays in Building Access During this discussion you will: Learn what is community health and its implications on Culturally Responsive Care Identify Community […]
Mindfulness in the Medical Learning Environment
ZoomMindfulness in the Medical Learning Environment: An Opportunity for the Struggling Learner? will be presented by Emmanuelle Williams, MD, MEd, Distinguished Award Recipient Learning Objectives: To define mindfulness in the setting of medical education To appraise the role of mindfulness interventions for struggling medical students To compare the role of mindfulness interventions for medical students […]
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Anyone affiliated with Penn State Health and Penn State College of Medicine can request access to add events to this calendar. View instructions for getting access here.
Infonet calendar
Faculty, staff and students with Penn State Health network access can view selected internal events on the Infonet calendar here.