Mar 20, 2015
Today, 120 fourth-year medical students at Penn State College of Medicine learned where they will spend their residencies in an annual tradition known as Match Day.
On March 20, 2015, 120 fourth-year medical students at Penn State College of Medicine learned where they will spend their residencies in an annual tradition known as Match Day.
In this video, four first-year medical students at Penn State College of Medicine talk about their experiences as patient navigators since October 2014.
May 22, 2014
Medical students, like most people their age, use social media extensively, but medical schools may need to offer more guidance in potential pitfalls, according to Penn State College of Medicine […]
Mar 21, 2014
On Friday, March 21, fourth-year medical students across the country discovered where they will spend their residencies in an annual tradition known as Match Day.