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Graduate students make Hershey Half Marathon fun

Some graduate students at Penn State College of Medicine were part of a group of almost 4,000 runners to take part in the Hershey Half Marathon held Oct. 16, 2016.

Runners toured the Hershey Entertainment Complex, Hersheypark and the Milton Hershey School grounds on their 13.1-mile route and experienced an overall change in elevation of 100 feet.

Among those participating were graduate students and members of the Graduate Student Association, including Stephen Matthews and Nicole Hackenbrack of the biomedical sciences program and Taryn Mockus of the neuroscience program.

The graduate students playfully declared that arriving at the starting line before 7 a.m. and running for, on average, 2 hours and 15 minutes, was still no match for the pain endured in graduate school, and decorated their running T-shirts accordingly.

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