Lasting Legacies – Fighting cancer

Female faculty at the College of Medicine have been at the forefront of cancer research since the institution’s beginning.
Harriet Isom, PhD
Isom studied cell regulation, control of neoplasia, the function of liver cells and causes of liver diseases. In 1981, she received a research career development award from the National Institutes of Health.
Mary Judith Tevethia, PhD
Tevethia studied the relationship between viruses and cancer.
Mary Simmonds, MD
Simmonds researched lymphocyte surface markers when they were newly discovered.
Jill Smith, MD, PhD
Smith investigated new treatments for pancreatic cancer.
Chandrika Gowda, MD and Shirley Bluethmann, PhD, MPH
Today, researchers like Gowda and Bluethmann, continue the fight against cancer. Bluethmann seeks to improve healthy behaviors, including physical activity, in older cancer survivors, while Gowda focuses on developing targeted therapies which are less toxic and can improve outcomes in children with relapsed leukemia.
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