Apr 3, 2014
There are 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, two-thirds of which are estimated to be women.
Mar 26, 2014
When it comes to exercise, many Americans just don't do it for a variety of reasons.
Mar 20, 2014
Every year about 50,000 Americans die of colon cancer. The disease is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, second to lung cancer.
Mar 13, 2014
When the days get longer and warmer, many find themselves with a desire to clean everything from the house and car to the garage and medicine cabinet. While that urge […]
Mar 6, 2014
Winter has worn out its welcome. People are eagerly looking forward to the warm weather, getting outside, and indulging once again in fresh, local produce.
Feb 27, 2014
There is often debate over whether or not certain household and food-related products are safe for consumer use or consumption.
Feb 20, 2014
When winter gets so cold for so long – as it has this year — it can be tempting to look for creative ways to heat things up.
Feb 12, 2014
Although people of any age can benefit from regular strength training, it becomes especially important for those in middle age and beyond.
Feb 5, 2014
Whether you are a parent, work with children, or encounter many people during your day, hand sanitizers are most likely part of your cold prevention arsenal.
Jan 30, 2014
For millions of Americans, checking blood pressure is not something reserved for an annual medical visit.