Oct 5, 2018
The Summer 2018 edition of Sports Medicine for the Primary Care provider was recently published. Articles in this edition include "Sleep for Health and Recovery, "Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction," "Imaging Pearls" and "Research in Brief," a look at a recently presented study.
Sep 13, 2018
Each day in the United States, 123 people take their own lives. For each of those deaths, at least 25 more people attempt suicide. The statistics from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention support Dr. Ahmad Hameed’s opinion that suicide has become a public health crisis.
Jul 18, 2018
A little preparation and an understanding of safety can go a long way to avoid potential pitfalls that come with enjoying camping and hiking.
Jul 17, 2018
A number of Penn State College of Medicine researchers recently received grants.
Jul 11, 2018
Kombucha (pronounced kom-BOO-cha) can help restore the body's natural microbiome and improve overall health, but it's important to make informed choices about kombucha sources and consumption.
Jul 3, 2018
Teens are particularly attracted to “Juuling” because of the device's sleek design and fruity or perfume-like odor. Here's what parents need to know.
Jun 27, 2018
Five Penn State Health doctors have been named among the Pennsylvania Medical Society's “Top Physicians Under 40.”
Jun 25, 2018
The first six physicians to train in the new Penn State Health Family and Community Residency Program at Mount Nittany Medical Center are headed for the next steps in their medical careers.
Jun 21, 2018
Four Penn State College of Medicine faculty members have been appointed as assistant deans effective July 1, 2018.
Jun 6, 2018
Life can be pretty good during the summer – especially for those who heed health advice about sun safety, staying hydrated and getting needed vaccinations before traveling abroad.