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Lasting Legacies: Making a way for women

Women at the College of Medicine have made it their mission to support each other and pave the way for the next generation of researchers and educators.

A head and shoulders professional portrait of Kathryn LaNoue

Kathryn LaNoue, PhD

Kathryn LaNoue, PhD

LaNoue sought to increase the success and inclusion of women in the medical community by identifying and addressing matters affecting salary and gender equity. She served on the Women in Physiology Committee and was co-chair of the Women’s Faculty Group.

A head and shoulders professional portrait of Anita Hopper

Anita Hopper, PhD

Anita Hopper, PhD

Hopper took various leadership roles to help advise women trainees in science.

A head and shoulders professional portrait of Luann Thorndyke

Luann Thorndyke, MD

Luann Thorndyke, MD

Thorndyke served as associate dean for Professional Development at the College of Medicine. She developed the Penn State Junior Faculty Development Program, which serves as a national model for faculty development and mentoring. Today, she is vice provost for faculty affairs and professor of medicine at the University of Massachusetts, where she has oversight on matters relating to gender and equity issues.

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