May 18, 2016
More than 3,100 people were killed in 2014 as a result of distracted driving, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
May 5, 2016
Just as most people know there is no such thing as safe smoking, there is also no such thing as safe sunbathing or tanning.
Apr 27, 2016
They're bite sized, brightly colored and look like candy to many children – and they were responsible for nearly 3,000 calls to poison control centers in the first three months […]
Apr 21, 2016
With the growing number of patients who self-inject medications at home, the number of needles that need to be disposed of is growing, as well.
Apr 13, 2016
What do you do when you're out in public and you witness what you believe to be child abuse?
Apr 5, 2016
A medicine used in breast cancer treatment is now considered the best option for treating the most common cause of infertility.
Mar 31, 2016
Most spring allergy sufferers know to start taking precautions before the trees burst into bloom each year.
Mar 23, 2016
Whether an aneurysm appears as a ballooning and weakened artery in the brain or in the body's biggest blood vessel, the aorta, the results can be serious – even deadly.
Mar 16, 2016
When actor Will Smith plays a forensic pathologist who discovers neurological deterioration similar to Alzheimer's disease in the brain of a former NFL football player, the world pays attention.
Mar 10, 2016
More people may be living to 100 and beyond than ever before, but the real challenge is how to become one of them yourself, and how to care for an […]