Sep 13, 2018
Penn State Health and College of Medicine systems will be upgraded and consolidated
Penn State Health is ‘United with Our Community’.
Sep 12, 2018
A team of Penn State Health employees were among nearly 1,700 volunteers who lent a hand during the United Way of the Capital Region’s 26th annual Day of Caring.
Sep 11, 2018
Dr. A. Craig Hillemeier, dean of Penn State College of Medicine, chief executive officer for Penn State Health and Penn State’s senior vice president for health affairs, presented an update to the Medical Center’s Board of Directors, faculty, staff, students and others.
Sep 10, 2018
A team of researchers has developed a new framework that can combine three existing methods of finding mutations -- or structural variants -- in the DNA of cancer cells into a single, more complete picture.
Several Penn State Health and Penn State College of Medicine employees and faculty celebrated a milestone work anniversary between Sept. 10 and Sept. 16, 2018.
Sep 6, 2018
Penn State Health and College of Medicine employees enjoy savings on entertainment, travel and more.
Sep 5, 2018
Being a teenager can be tough. Teens must manage high school and the pressures of adolescence while at the same time battling stubborn acne.
Penn State has launched its first cancer-related Story Map, “The Story of Cancer in Central Pennsylvania.” The interactive geospatial map illustrates the extent of the cancer problem in the region.
Sep 4, 2018
In an upcoming project, a team of Penn State researchers will use mice as a model for creating high-resolution, 3D maps of the blood vessels in both young and aging brains.